(sunset when landing in MN) (A group of us just boarded on the international flight)
Once in Budapest, we retrieved our lugage and headed to meet up with our tour guide Szilvia. Szilvia got us onto our bus and headed toward the hotel. On the ride from the airport to the hotel she told us information on Budapest and pointed out a few different sights to see along the way. When we got to the hotel we checked-in and separated and went to our rooms to get cleaned up before our orientation session.
Durring our orientation session, Szilvia gave us maps, transport passes, and information on how to get around the city. She also, informed us on the different forms of transportation available to us. She then showed us how to use their transportation systems on the way to dinner. Along with that, she also showed us a few historical buildings and answered several questions on our walk to the restaurant where we would then have dinner.
For dinner we were served a 3 course meal with a water according to our itinerary and anything else we wanted we would have to pay for ourselves. The first course was the famous Hungarian Goulash, that seemed alot like what we would call a beef stew or soup. Needless to say the Goulash was delicious. Our second course was chicken with a great sauce and a side of grilled vegetables. Then our third course was a dessert that is in the picture below.
After dinner, we seperated again and half the group went back to the hotel for the night while the other half went out to walk around and experience Budapest at night time.
Well that's all for now!
Rachel Michael
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