Friday, June 27, 2014

Nearing the end of our journey...

We are coming up on our last weekend in Europe, and we rounded out our last Friday here with two visits-- one to Hewlett-Packard Czech Republic and the other to Prague College. At HP we were given a presentation by their head of talent acquisition.  She talked to us about the different things that they do and also about their hiring process.  I really enjoyed this presentation because it was geared more towards us, since most of us are nearing the end of our college careers and will be soon looking for a job.  The hiring process is very interesting.  They first narrow down their candidates and have them take an assessment to find out what position they should be looking to apply for, then they are put into groups with people who are alike in the positions they are applying for.  In the groups they are given a product that is most usually math-based to complete.  After they have completed this project, they are then selected for one-on-one interviews.  It was said that around 50% of those in the groups get chosen to go on to the interview stage.  One of the most interesting facts I heard during the presentation was not only do the new workers get mentored by current employees, but sometimes higher ranking employees get mentored by the younger employees.  It is a nice concept considering the younger employees have a different way of thinking and are usually more in touch with what is new and booming in the business world.

After going to HP we were given free time to go out and get lunch and what not before heading over to Prague College.  Prague College is only 10 years old with currently over 600 students from close to 100 different countries.  They offer three types of degrees, from Business, to IT, to art and design.  At Prague College we were spoken to by a few of their faculty members about what the many benefits of going to their school would be. They talked about their connections with big time companies and the former students who had gone to bigger and better things.  There was even a former student who came in and talked to us about his start-up company-- Brand Embassy which just recently received  $1 million in investments.  I really liked the way their school was set-up with the small class sizes and the great opportunities that were offered there.  I think if anyone was really considering studying abroad to receive their degree or masters, that this would be a great college to look into.

Only three more days left everyone!


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